You may have missed it earlier but there was a forum on women and the economy at the white house today. During this forum we got a 20 minute long speech from the president that touched on many topics centering around women and the economy. We get to hear him gloat about the recent uptick in jobs and downward tick in the unemployment rate. We also get a few jokes about his wife,mother in law and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough. From there we get a somewhat long winded speech about the women who have inspired him over the years. We also get to hear what his administration is trying to do to make life more equal for women in this country. This includes making the workplace a more fair place for everyone. He also points out that women have been getting screwed over monetarily forever but thanks to him signing the Fair Pay Act,that will be coming to an end. Meanwhile in Wisconsin,it's now legal to shortchange women on their paychecks again. God bless America! Click on the video below.
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