Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oil and Water 2

A couple of weeks ago there was a massive oil spill down in the gulf coast. Since then there has been a ton of effort by the people in the gulf coast states and the government to clean up the oil spill. While all of this has been happening with limited success there has been a media blitz(mostly on fox news) of people comparing the oil spill to hurricane Katrina. Also there have been a few conspiracy theories about the oil spill. Adding to the conspiracy craziness is former FEMA director and the guy almost singularly responsible for the insanely slow response to hurricane Katrina,Michael Brown. Watch below as he tries to compare the response to the oil spill to the slow hurricane Katrina response that he oversaw amongst other insanity. After that check out what Bill O'Reilly has to say about it.

And now here's Bill O'Reilly with his responses to the last video.

Oh and the Morning Joe crew aren't too fond of the conspiracy theories either.