Thursday, June 14, 2012

Detroit is getting a new bridge!

It feels good to post something nice about my city and this is one of those good times. Despite our budget woes and other assorted problems we have somehow been able to find a way to reach an agreement with Canada to finally build a second bridge over the Detroit river. Or at least that's the rumor that's going around since everyone has found out about transportation secretary Ray Lahood,Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Governor Rick Snyder scheduling a "signing ceremony" and photo op in Windsor,Ontario and across the river here in Detroit for tomorrow. This is sure to anger people like Matty Moroun who has been vehemently opposed to a second bridge due to the fact that he actually owns the Ambassador Bridge that currently connects the 2 countries. His reasoning is that a new bridge would cut into his money and thus cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars a year. This is despite the fact that the governor has made sure to make a deal with the feds and Canada that basically has Michigan paying none of the expense but getting all of the rewards of having a new bridge in one of the busiest trading areas on the planet. As expected the almost entirely GOP Michigan house has taken up his cause and have been trying for years to stop the building of a second bridge. I for one am happy to see the governor actually doing the right thing and getting this thing done because it'll help revitalize a pretty desolate area of the city and bring in a lot of much needed jobs to the city. If they get moving on this thing quickly,I may in fact be one of those jobs. To learn more about the new bridge,click on the photo below. Now if only we can get that light rail thing done on Woodward......