Thursday, April 7, 2011

Glenn Beck Craziness:special edition

In this platinum edition of insanity we take a look at some of the goings on in the life of our hero,the honorable Glenn Beck. It was announced on Wednesday that Glenn would be leaving the Fox News Channel. There have been rumors for the last few months that things weren't going so well behind the scenes due to the continued success of an all out effort to get everyone to stop sponsoring Glenn and his television show. We may never know why everything fell apart but we do know that during the last couple of years Glenn has given us some gems of wisdom and insanity through his tv and radio shows. With that said here are some of my personal favorites.

Glenn accuses a senator of trying to censor free speech in America because the senator publicly stated that he doesn't trust "news" shows.

Glenn and his cohorts take on the theory of evolution.

The NRA thinks for themselves and this pisses Glenn off.

Glenn and the always lovely Michele Bachmann go for the world record in stupid.

Glenn prepares us for the end of the world by trying to scam all of us out of hundreds of dollars each.

Glenn goes after the first lady for being arrogant and a tad bit niggerish.

What did Glenn like to talk about on his show? Click here to find out.

Glenn is not a fan of using hip hop music to help educate kids.

Glenn schools America on how America should 1789.

He's also a world class mathematician.

Facts have a liberal bias that only helps terrorists win!

A quick comparison of MLK and Glenn Beck.

Glenn goes after Homer Simpson for being a harbinger of terrorism.

NAACP says that racism is bad,Glenn calls them racist for pointing that out and he once again goes after Michelle Obama.

Glenn once again proves why the educational system is broken in this country.

I could go on for days with this but instead I'm stopping here. Enjoy this and pass it to your friends.