Monday, November 22, 2010

International embarrassment

Last Friday reason for this site's name and Minnesota representative Michelle Bachmann appeared on the BBC to speak on a myriad of issues with host Emily Matilis. During the discussion representative Bachmann repeatedly tried to hit her talking points of small government,lower taxes,lower spending and Barack Obama not being an American. Unfortunately for her Emily Matilis actually challenged a few of the things that Mrs Bachmann was saying. Not only did she challenge her but she used quotes and facts from reputable sources to do it. Watch below as the British laugh at what passes for a politician over here in America.


I saw this on tv the other night and posted a comment on twitter about it. Was so funny, tho embarrassing, to see the BBC reporter holding back her smirks!


Wow, classic lying behaviors. Watch the blinking, the locked smile over the gums... priceless.

This is why I miss living in Canada. Get this kind of thoughtful journalism, intellectual expectations & accountability of our representatives.

Coming from someone living in Canada, i'm not sure we have too many confrontational journalist w/ any profle [yawn], but back to the matter: the classic rope a dope from Tea Party rep. Says not to believe the papers but chooses to believe one she never heard of from India. Then goes for cover saying that others picked the story up... right.
January will be one for the ages.