Thursday, November 4, 2010


Yesterday I may have had some of the best luck I've ever had in my life. This luck tops the time when I was 12 and just barely avoided being in the middle of a car accident while walking to the store. It beats that time I found $20 laying on the ground while going to school. The luck I had yesterday was on par with the shockingly good luck that only caused me to get a broken orbital bone,a concussion,the near loss of my right eye and thousands of dollars in medical debt. By now you may be wondering what the hell I'm talking about and to answer that question I'm going to recap my Wednesday.

Wednesday started off like any normal day. I did my daily routine and was still slightly annoyed about not getting a phone call from neither of the companies I filled out applications for on Monday. While eating I decided to turn on my pc and start job searching,blogging and tweeting. And as luck would have it my hard drive wanted to die on me. I spent most of the morning and afternoon trying to get it to work properly enough and long enough for me to find some sort of way to backup my files. This hard drive issue takes over 4 hours to fix but my brother and I finally got it fixed. As I start to finally transfer my files on to a newer,working hard drive my mom asks me if I want to run with her up to the nearest high school. Seeing that it was going to take 4 hours to move my files and make my computer very slow when trying to use it I agreed to go with her. After a short search for my headphones and MP3 player I'm headed out the door and we're walking towards the track at the local high school. We were maybe 2 and a half blocks away from the high school when I notice a guy park in the middle of the street a couple of blocks away. This guy proceeds to hop out of the car,frantically take off his jacket and remove one of his shirts and a bullet proof vest. When this happens I whisper to my mother "Lets get the hell out of here before this nigga does something stupid". Before I can even finish saying that last sentence he had already hopped back in his car with the door wide open,popped his trunk and he had driven amazingly fast to stop right next to us. He hops out the car again,glances at me as if he wanted to fight me,doesn't say a word,heads towards the back of his car and pulls out a shotgun. This is all happening so close to us that if he were to turn to his right the gun would have smacked me in the face. He proceeds to aim the shotgun at a crowd of high schoolers who immediately flee. While this panic and insanity is going on my mother and I quickly sneak away around the corner where we run in to a mailman who's ducking and looking like he was scared for his life. For some odd reason no shots were actually fired which means that he didn't see his intended target or the gun jammed. Either way we got lucky despite not being able to do what we originally planned to do. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go test this luck and play the lottery.


Wow, just wow. I've had days like that~! lol Only in Detroit will you find a neighbor who says, "yeah, we had a gun pulled on us at a party store, and..."

..BUT it wasn't a SHOTGUN~!!

PLAY THAT LOTTERY~!! Double barrel~!!
So glad you and your Mom are safe and that everyone was safe - no trouble. Hope something changes the course of that action so it doesn't repeat with a different outcome.
Anita @ModelSupplies

I'm gonna play the mega millions before Friday is done. I better win something.