Wednesday, April 14, 2010

an explosion of stupid

Proving that he has no idea what he's talking about Rush Limbaugh goes on a nonsensical rant to criticize the president over the nuclear security summit that was just wrapped up in Washington DC. During his rant he said that the summit does nothing but weaken everybody. I guess he didnt realize that the purpose of the summit was to secure loose nukes and nuclear material and keep them out of the hands of criminals and terrorists. If he would have researched a little bit he would have realized how big of a deal this is considering that the country of Georgia was barely able to stop some terrorists from getting their hands on nuclear material. All in all Rush Limbaugh is a retard and you can listen to him ramble below.

As you may have noticed he also said that the president of France was not in town for the summit. This would be a lie considering that he did an interview with Katie Couric. You can watch the interview and see what he has to say on subjects such as nuclear security and nuclear terrorism below.

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