Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Stupidity personified

As everyone knows people are still hurting and need a ton of help in Haiti. Of course this just proves as another opportunity for Rush Limbaugh to take a shot at the president. Seriously though at this point he is just running out of things to say and just saying whatever. Listen below as Rush Limbaugh accuses the president of being a racist that doesn't care about black people.


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its too hard to even...

I don't want to hear from him anymore.

He isn't worth any reasonable attention.

He (allegedly) illegally bought controlled narcotics & was abusing them. So much he began to lose his sense of hearing.
So, um, let's respond to the reality rather than his followers' fantasies.

It's just a junkie's ramblings.
They are known to say the craziest things.

OMG what a schmuck. Yep Obama cares so little that he just sent his wife there this morning.