Tomorrow just isnt my 22nd birthday its also the restart of the health care debate which means we can expect to see members of congress once again make the obvious case as to why we need to pretty much completely overhaul the current system. We'll also see members of congress try to make the case as to why we should barely change anything and some will explain why the current system is so awesome(hint:it sucks). so get ready for cutthroat debate,personal attacks,crying,whining,bitching,moaning and people making shit up. here are a few things from the debate that have either been proven to be factually wrong or just made up or just plain retarded
1. end of life care = a government panel deciding to kill you. not true just dumb fear mongering
2. the bill will lead to rationing of healthcare - if you believe making coverage somewhat more affordable will lead to rationing you are truly dumb
3. the only people without healthcare in this country are slackers who refuse to work for a living - most of the people without health coverage here have jobs but cant afford insurance but they also make too much to get covered by medicaid(I was in that situation when i got seriously injured)
4. Canada has a terrible healthcare system - while its not perfect. its way better than our 37th ranked system which just barely edges out slovenia and the damn near desperately poor country of cuba
5. healthcare is just reparations for black people - fucking retarded on so many levels and glenn beck should be ashamed of himself. I'll post the video a little later.
6. the healthcare bill is just too long - we have college educated united states senators that are voting against the bill because 2000 pages is just too much to read in damn near 8 months. I read a whole harry potter book in less than a month in 7th grade but you dumb fucks cant read a bill that we pay you to read? get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. pictured below is the bill thats too long to read. its about the same size as a GED study guide
7. a public option = socialism - not true at all. most european countries arent socialist at all but they have some sort of nationalized health system
8. expect to hear all of this shit again starting Monday November 30th
pictured below cutthroat debate
Glenn Beck discusses why universal healthcare will be reparations for the Negroes.Dont blame me for the shitty audio quality I didnt upload those videos
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