America has a government filled with retards and i'm not just being metaphorical.I really think some of these people have a serious medical problem. why are we even debating reforming healthcare when we all agree that the current system sucks and that its killing us off just because we arent Oprah rich? Watching C-span (yes its lame,I know) has truly let me know that we as Americans have elected at least 100 idiots to positions of power here who dont even take the time to read history books,know the constitution inside and out,actually know the law of the land and in some cases actually know how to read without sounding a 3rd grader who's struggling with a big ass word like "establishment". its a sad state of affairs when senators arent even reading bills but voting against them based on something they thought they read when they werent reading it.kinda like that lie about how the health reform bill being voted on in congress will fund abortions. if they would've read a law book or wikipedia at the very least they would know that its illegal for local,state and federal government to fund abortions outside of very extreme cases where the mother is the victim of a rape,incest or is literally about to die right then and hard is it to read people? seriouly
Agreed! : )
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