Friday, February 19, 2010


In a state with an almost 15 percent unemployment rate health insurance prices are about to increase by 56 percent.Thats what was being proposed by Blue Cross/Blue Shield here in the great state of Michigan.They didnt get that high increase approved but they were approved for a 22% increase which still sucks. In a state with the highest unemployment rate in the nation and already in the middle of a depression,a foreclosure crisis and facing steep cuts in services just so the state can avoid being billions of dollars in the red doing something like this will not only make problems way worse it may actually end up killing a few people. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if you find a ton of people way behind on insurance payments because of the increased costs and when you realize that insurance companies are making a ton of money and asking for more of our money while giving us less coverage it seems kinda criminal.Oh and this isnt just a Michigan problem. In California where the cost of living is already insanely high they're about to get a 39% increase in premiums and in Oregon theyre about to get hit with a 20% increase. Now I know what some of you are thinking "I can afford to pay for it,how about the rest of you people start paying your fair share and maybe it wont be so bad". While that sounds good and fine remember that wages are only increasing slightly while energy prices are going up,food costs are going up,rent is high,mortgages cost a ton of money,the cost of gasoline is still weird at best and lets not get into how much its gonna cost to send either yourself or your kid to college. When you put all that into perspective spending a few hundred bucks extra on insurance that may or may not cover everything just seems like someone spitting in your face and saying "fuck you,pay me!". Honestly after seeing this it just makes me more and more frustrated that we havent reformed the system yet to something more like the one they have in France or at least the Canadian system. Almost anything would be better than having the cost of not being covered increase by 40-50% year over year