Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Random act of failure

This isnt just one random act of failure but 2 of them. What you're gonna see in the videos are examples of why I wont be in the Xgames anytime soon. Watch the first video as a kid tries to show off his high flying roller blading ability but sadly and painfully fails at it. That first video is only the second most painful thing you're gonna see in this post. The second video is just super painful to watch but funny as hell. Click on the videos,watch and enjoy. Oh and make sure to share it on facebook,twitter,myspace and whatever social media site you happen to be on.


I almost peed my pants on the second one! The fact that he lost his shoe made it 10x worse! I think he was crying! LMMFAO!!!

I almost peed my pants on the second one! The fact that he lost his shoe made it 10x worse! I think he was crying! LMMFAO!!!