Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Glenn Beck Craziness

In today's edition our hero warns us about an upcoming terrible event. This terrible event is known as Muslim family day at Six Flags. For everyone that doesn't know about Muslim family day(this would include just about all of us),Muslim family day has been going on at different Six Flags theme parks for the last 10 years. Anyway our hero compares this to a theoretical Japanese day in Hawaii in on December 8th,1948 when pointing out that Muslim family day 2010 will be taking place on September 12th. Glenn Beck clearly sees this date as a way for Muslims to mock 9/11. He also doesn't realize the irony of him saying that despite the fact that he had originally planned for his 8/28 rally to be on September 12th. The whole point of his 9/12 project is to "Bring the people back to the way they were on September 12th,2001". If you think that this is needless fear mongering you may in fact be right but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't listen to the clip. Listen to Glenn Beck and his awesome sound effects below.