In one of the most unexpected things ever the vatican has made a myspace page but to add to the shock of the vatican finally moving into the 21st century is that they released a playlist of songs that they like. On the list they have things you might expect like Mozart(who doesnt like Mozart) but there's one song on the list that is generating a lot of attention and that song is "Changes" by the late great Tupac Shakur. its shocking because 1. its a rap song 2. the song references suicide 3. the song has drug references 4.there's profanity in it(OH NO!!). the Vatican has said that the playlist is made up of songs from artist of different genres who aim to reach the hearts of good minded people.The playlist was arranged by Father Giulio Neroni who is responsible for such things as the music of the vatican which is a series of cd's which combine music,georgian chants and pope benedict XVI reciting prayers in 5 different languages. As of December 7th,2009 the song "Changes" has been played over 4.7 million times on the vaticans myspace page which is double the combined amount of the other 11 songs that comprise the playlist. Diamonds are forever and apparently 2pac is forever.
Thanks for the 411, this comes as a shocker to me. Go vatican get busy... Srsly, embracing all music is a good thing. Enlightening your readers is a good thing. Kudos. And props on your changes as well, A.
I've been thinking about it and I'm kinda shocked that they didnt use "the message" by grandmaster flash and the furious five. that would've been almost as great as this current situation
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