Thursday, December 17, 2009

When is he gonna move past 50?

For years now the game has been actively taking every opportunity he has near a camera,microphone or computer to try to trash 50 cent. We get it,you dont like him because he didnt return your phone calls and he doesnt want to date you anymore. Recently the game took some time to talk about 50 cent and his album only selling a very solid 161,000 copies and coming in second place to john mayer selling over 250,000 albums during the same one week span. According to the game he pities 50 but judging by the fact that he basically only talks about 50 cent and still performs the songs written by 50 cent and featuring 50 cent that basically put game in the national spotlight it seems to me that the game has some serious insecurities within himself. he needs to quit focusing so much on 50 and focus on promoting the R.E.D. Album and hope that his sales are up to where they were when he was with G-Unit and not continue on the downward slide its been on over the past 2 albums

below the game performs some old 50 cent songs