Thursday, December 17, 2009

white folks better get busy

it looks like America is just 41 short years away from having white people(the current overwhelming majority)will no longer make up more than 50 percent of the total population of this country. According to current numbers white people make up over two thirds of the current population but that number is gonna dip to 49.9 percent by 2050 with black people still making up 12.2 percent of the projected 399million people that will be here in 2050. thats right almost 50 million negroes. if we had those types of numbers today we would've had a black president back in the 80's but anyway the population shift is mostly going to be due to Asians taking up 1.4 more of the American population in 2050 and rising to have 6% of the population(with close to 24million Asians being here by then) but the big increase and biggest piece of the American demographic shift will be Latinos who will go from 15 percent of the current population to 28 percent of the population by 2050 of course all of this is theoretical and based off of if things go at exactly the same rate with the same factors of today. if no one immigrated to this country from now to 2050 white people would still make up close to 60 percent of the population by then and latinos would make up 20 percent due to a younger population and higher fertility rates. of course if white people want to hold on and still make up over 60 percent of the population they can always get busy making babies in large amounts and pray that the next octomom is a white woman

sidenote : the population of older americans is gonna triple by then regardless of what happens so we better find a way to take care of them right now while we still can because when i get old i'll be damned if a terrible decision made by a bunch of old people when i was young is gonna come back to haunt me

and hopefully with the white population decrease we'll be left with the best and the brightest and see less people like the people in the videos below