Wednesday, January 20, 2010

videogames are good for you

As everyone who isnt an idiot knows by now there was a devastating earthquake in the nation of Haiti last Tuesday. the earthquake has killed thousands of people,injured thousands more and completely ruined the lives of millions of people. since the earthquake hit people from all around the world have been coming together and doing what they can to help out. the most popular way here in America has been to donate through the red cross by texting Haiti to 90999 for a very quick donation of $10. while this is great and seriously one of the best ideas i have ever seen there are other more fun ways to donate and the best one out this bunch has be the creative way the team at Bungie has come up with to help out. they're selling t-shirts to help out and donating 100% of the proceeds to the red cross. sure that doesnt seem special but the other thing theyre doing is to donate by having people like you and especially me play Halo 3 or Halo 3 ODST. how does this work? well for every 1000 players that play a single game with a special red heart emblem the company will donate $100 to the red cross on top of those t-shirt sales. FYI i played Halo 3 earlier today and everybody had the emblem on. have a copy of Halo 3 or ODST and you want to get in on this. read below on how to do it

1. Round up all of your friends and hop online with Halo 3 or ODST any time next from 00:01AM PST Wednesday, 1/20, through 23:59PM PST Thursday 1/21.

2. Edit your appearance settings so your character is wearing the RED HEART emblem.
a. Press START
c. Select "EMBLEM"
d. Select "Hearts" ICON, "Circle" BACKGROUND
e. Back out to the APPEARANCES menu and select "COLORS"
f. Set "EMBLEM PRIMARY" to RED (or MAROON / BRICK / ROSE depending on which game you're playing!)
3. Once your emblem is set, play! This can be a custom game or a matchmaking game, just make sure it's played online, on Xbox LIVE, or we can't track it.

If you keep playing more games through midnight on Thursday, KEEP THE HEART EMBLEM ENABLED or you may not get counted.

Last, but not least, take some screenshots of your escapades and tag them as HERO. Bungie will be sending some special t-shirts to some participants as a way of saying thanks.

oh and if you want to help out Haiti and get shot in the face tomorrow afternoon my xbox live scree name is Detroitplaya18